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I can’t get rock hard anymore: Is it Erectile Dysfunction?

I can’t get rock hard anymore Is it Erectile Dysfunction
22 Feb

‘Why I can’t get rock hard anymore?’, ‘Am I suffering from erectile dysfunction?’, ‘Will I ever be able to do sex pleasurably?’ – if such questions are snatching your sleep, this blog is for you.

At times, men are unable to attain or keep the desired hardness during/while performing sexual intercourse. As it can happen due to tonnes of reasons, such erectile troubles can be temporary or lasting. Some factors need to be understood before calling it erectile dysfunction. Also, you don’t need to worry regarding impotence unless you have consulted a qualified medical professional and you are diagnosed with this sexual disorder.

Erectile Dysfunction is quite common among men of all ages. It is even common among men during their 20s. So, take a deep breath and try to think about the solution instead. Meanwhile, this blog discusses some basics of impotence and its risks. We have also shared the former treatment options that’ll make your ED go away like it never happened. 

How Do Erections Work?

Usually, men can attain firm erections when their penis is filled with blood in response to sexual stimulation. It may seem a simple response but a lot of complex interactions occur between the hormones, nervous system & blood vessels to make it happen.

As the male attains sexual arousal (or performs foreplay), the brain signals release chemical messengers that relax penile muscles. This relaxation lets blood vessels dilate for supplying more blood flow towards the penis to fill the erectile tissues. Now, the blood flows into the genitals and becomes trapped. Thus, it leads to expansion and stiffness. Erections happen so!

Once the male ejaculates after the sexual intercourse, penile muscles contract, blood flow reduces, and erections subside. The penis size gets back to the pre-sexual arousal phase.

You can thus say that erections happen as a psychological response enabling sexual activities and reproduction among men.

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

‘Why Can’t I Get or Keep an Erection?’ If this is something bothering you from the past couple of weeks, keep reading.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is the inability or impotency of achieving or sustaining an erection during sexual intimacy. Most men face this issue at some point in their lives. And it can last for a temporary period of life. While ED is the most common sexual health disorder among men, it can destroy your romantic life if you don’t find a reliable remedy timely. This is the reason why men are inclined towards sex drive booster pills, also called impotence medicines.

Such oral remedies ensure men lead a normalized sex drive even after being diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. Using ED pills, men can get stronger erections within 15 to 30 minutes and they can enjoy intimacies up to 5 or 6 hours easily. However, you’ll need to find your ideal sexual enhancer by consulting a qualified medical professional. These erectile dysfunction treatments should be used under medical guidance to ensure safety and efficacy.

Why can’t I get rock-hard anymore?

As discussed, a lot of reasons are responsible for not causing harder erections in men. They can be broadly categorized into:

  • Physiological factors – These factors are related to the physical conditions of the male that affect blood flow towards the penis or trigger impairment of erectile tissues. For instance, certain medical conditions like heart, high blood pressure, diabetes, hormonal imbalance, neurological disorders, etc may cause ED. In addition, some lifestyle choices may also be responsible for impotence such as obesity, less physical activity, smoking, alcohol, poor diet, lack of exercise, etc.
  • Psychological factors – A man can have impotence due to several emotional or mental health issues too. Such factors are more concerned with sexual arousal and degrade sexual performance. These individuals are mostly affected by anxiety, stress, depression, relationship issues, performance anxiety, etc. Due to the negative effects they create on a man’s mental health, they are unable to perform in bed.
  • Emotional factors – As far as emotional factors are concerned; they encompass experiences and feelings affecting sexual desire and stimulation. Bitter experiences, any past trauma, lack of self-esteem, body image problems, etc often create psychological barriers that interfere with sexual functions.

I can’t get rock hard anymore at 15. Is it even possible?

It is almost impossible to experience difficulties in attaining the desired hardness at the age of 15. Erections typically happen as a response to sexual arousal and feeling troubles in ‘attaining that hardness’ at this age seems non-related. A lot of hormonal changes are ongoing at this age and so the stress and anxiety or other underlying medical conditions are not in the picture. However, if you still find it difficult to get a stronger erection at this age, it may be due to hormonal fluctuations. That’s quite normal at this age and usually non-persistent. Once you reach a mature age (around 18 or 21), you may start attaining the desired hardness as expected.

Risk for Erectile Dysfunction

Certain factors could be responsible for causing ED in men. They can be related to age, underlying medical conditions, physical and psychological factors, medicines in use, trauma, injury, hormonal imbalances, etc. Even though you think you have impotence, you should get it confirmed by the medical care provider. Sometimes, the factors influencing ED could be temporary and you just have to wait for them to subside so your erectile health is back on track.

Treating erection issues

When you find out you have impotence, you’ll be curious to get it treated, right? So, here are some major alterations that can help you achieve sexual wellness goals.

  • Lifestyle changes: Adapt an active lifestyle. Exercise regularly & drink enough water. That’ll first boost your confidence, then improve your physical health & finally create a positive impact on erectile health too.
  • Sex therapy: Consult a sex therapist and seek guidance on what you can do to improve your overall sexual health. You may take your partner along during the consultation to maintain transparency in your relationship.
  • Medication: By the time you consult a therapist and make the necessary lifestyle changes, you will need oral medicines for improving erections. Get medicines like Cenforce 100, Kamagra, Vidalista 10, etc prescribed by your healthcare provider.
  • Diet: Have protein-rich food and say no to junk and high-fat meals.
  • Exercise: Include exercise in your daily routine for at least 30 to 45 minutes. That’ll make a huge positive impact.

Final Words

Once the causes of erectile dysfunction are irreversible, this sexual disorder becomes non-curable. However, as studied above, men can always find their way out whenever they doubt – ‘I can’t get rock hard anymore’. Whenever you feel like your erections aren’t 100% satisfying, go ahead for a consultation with the healthcare provider and you can find the way out. Needless to say, oral medicines are the best way to get rid of this sexual disorder at pocket-friendly prices. Also, you should ensure your medicines are 100 per cent genuine to make the most out of them. You can buy such ED medicines online only at Medzsite.com.


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